Open Coil Air Heaters & Dryer Elements

  • Features
  • Applications


Characteristics and Services

True to its eco-responsible commitments, Volton offers a maintenance/repair service for open coil air heaters, as well as dryer elements and duct heaters. Discover our services and their detailed applications below.


Maintenance and Repair

  • We replace the electrical resistances of your units, change the ceramics, reconnect the connections while replacing the insulating wool as needed.
  • We propose design improvements when longevity can be increased.


Custom Manufacturing

  • We manufacture custom certain dryer elements and duct heaters.


Repair of Air Heaters with Tubulars

  • We repair air heaters equipped with tubulars (with or without fins).



  • It is economical and sustainable to have your air heaters, dryer elements, and duct heaters repaired several times thanks to our expertise.
  • Avoid longer delivery times for the same or longer lifespan (depending on the improvements made to the original)


Our open coil air heaters, dryer elements, and duct heaters are used for:

  • Heating the air in a specific application
  • Comfort heating of premises
  • Recirculating air ovens
  • Load banks
  • Drying
  • And many other applications requiring efficient and high-performance heating.

Trust our expertise for the maintenance, repair, and custom manufacturing of your open coil air heaters, dryer elements, and duct heaters. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to obtain a personalized quote.

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